Welcome to Methamphetamine Treatment

meth addiction

The purpose of this site is to help meth users, parents, families, and friends who may have a loved one who is struggling with methamphetamine use and addiction. Our website is designed to help educate on the statistics of meth drug addiction and what warning signs are associated with methamphetamine use, abuse, and overdose. Our goal is to help meth addicts, families and friends of addicts, and those who may be experimenting with meth or other drugs find therapy or treatment to overcome these addictions and behaviors.


HIV and Meth
The correlation between HIV and meth is becoming more closely related than ever before. HIV and methamphetamine users often go together with the number of those meth users becoming more likely to contract HIV. Several reasons exist for the HIV and meth trend.
Substance Abuse Support Groups
Substance abuse support groups are great ways for those who have been abusing substances including alcohol, drugs, tobacco and other addictive substances to get help and support in dealing with their addiction. Substance abuse support groups can help addicts get support during this difficult time of recovery.
Meth Relapse
Meth relapse is a serious obstacle to recovering from meth addiction. Relapse rates for meth addiction are sometimes very high, but scientists are working to discover new ways to help people recover from meth addiction and avoid meth relapse.
Meth Babies
Babies born to mothers who use meth during pregnancy are known as meth babies. Meth babies can suffer from problems ranging from meth addiction to a stroke. Read this article for more information about how meth use during pregnancy effects an unborn child.