Welcome to Methamphetamine Treatment

meth addiction

The purpose of this site is to help meth users, parents, families, and friends who may have a loved one who is struggling with methamphetamine use and addiction. Our website is designed to help educate on the statistics of meth drug addiction and what warning signs are associated with methamphetamine use, abuse, and overdose. Our goal is to help meth addicts, families and friends of addicts, and those who may be experimenting with meth or other drugs find therapy or treatment to overcome these addictions and behaviors.


How are Methamphetamines Used?
How are methamphetamines used? That is a question that many want to know, especially parents or individuals that are just curious so they can look for the warning signs that their teen or loved one might doing meth to get high. Keep reading to find out more.
Methamphetamine Withdrawal
Methamphetamine withdrawal can vary depending on level of meth use and addiction. Learn withdrawal symptoms associated with methamphetamine and options for treating meth withdrawal symptoms. Keep reading for more on meth withdrawals.
Methamphetamine Abuse
Methamphetamine abuse can cause severe health problems, including brain damage and meth mouth. Meth addicts often find it difficult to obtain a full meth recovery. Keep reading to learn more about meth abuse, addiction, effects of meth on the brain, and meth treatment options.
Meth Babies
Babies born to mothers who use meth during pregnancy are known as meth babies. Meth babies can suffer from problems ranging from meth addiction to a stroke. Read this article for more information about how meth use during pregnancy effects an unborn child.